Educational travel

European Legacy Tours is a recognized educational tour operator whom many teachers have trusted to organize school and college tours to Poland since 1999. Since the end of WWII Poland has regrettably been associated with the topic of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps mainly. Visits to infamous Nazi camps, including Auschwitz – Birkenau, Majdanek, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Stutthof, are part of an important Holocaust education which links to curriculum areas such as History, art, and many others subjects such as social justice, racism, human rights etc. We want for our clients to understand and feel the complex and painful history of this land with the intent of reshaping historical memory and contemporary Polish – Jewish relationships. Our mission is to reveal and unpack the forgotten and rich world of Central and Eastern Europenen Jewry before the war.  The cultural and material landscape of Poland is richly dotted with shtetls, synagogues, cemeteries, beit ha midrashes which still remember the fascinating history of rabbinical sages and individual families, rich religious and political life of that time so sadly annihilated by the Nazis.

Take your students on a school trip to Poland to immerse them in the local culture and mixture of stunning scenery and architectural gems, while not forgetting our country’s turbulent past.

Our knowledge and experience have been proved by a 25 years’ experience organizing educational travel experiences and tours.

We offer

  • Bespoke itineraries tailored to your exact requirements
  • Teacher inspection visits
  • 24/7 Help Line offering support whilst you are in Poland

We Take Responsibility

  • Ensuring the highest possible safety standards through safety management supervision and risk assessment guidance
  • Committed to sustainable and responsible educational travel. Working to offset carbon emissions, reduce deforestation and provide wildlife habitats.
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